Review the BlackBerry Device Service server policy configuration to determine whether the mobile device applications' ability to reset the device lock timer has been disabled. If there are multiple policies, they must all be reviewed.
The "Application Security Timer Reset" rule on the BlackBerry Device Service server specifies whether apps can reset the security timer on a BlackBerry device to prevent the device from locking after either 1) the period of user inactivity that is specified in the Security Timeout rule elapses, or 2) the period of inactivity that the user specifies in the Password Lock settings on the device elapses. If this rule is set to disallow, the device will lock without user interaction when running apps that attempt to reset the security timer, such as apps that display navigation information, slideshows, and videos.
Log into BlackBerry Administration Service, and under "BlackBerry solution management" on the left side of the screen, navigate to "Policy > Manage IT policies > > View complete IT Policy > Security" and verify "Application Security Timer Reset" is set to "Disallow". Otherwise, this is a finding. |